20 Interesting Facts About Friends !

"Friends" chronicled the amazing lives of 6 companions and it made for the absolute most amusing TV show ever!

Presently the show is one of the most well known sitcoms ever, yet it's progressed significantly since it's first season!

That's why I Find Movies is taking it back to the '90s and giving you 20 Friends most interesting facts!

“Friends" is a property of Warner Bros. Television

1. How much they got paid ? 

The main actors started out making 22,500 dollars per episode and ended up making 1 million dollars per episode,all the negotiations were done in unison. Lisa Kudrow said "the six of us are far stronger than just one person".

Source : IMDb

2. What was the original name for the show ? 

Before the show was named as "Friends" ,the creator wrote a 7 page pitch for "Insomnia" cafe,the plot itself was quite different for example - Ross and Rachel weren't the key relationship and instead Joey and Monica were the love interest. 
After NBC bought the pilot ,the title become "Friends Like Us" and by the time they shot it ,they switched it to six of one. When show premiered on September 22nd 1994 ,they finally had landed on simply "Friends".

 Source : IMDb

3. Yes,only $11 ! 

When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role ,he had only $11 to his name, when the cast got their paychecks the first thing he purchased was a hot meal.
 Source : IMDb

4. Where the opening credits got shot ?

The opening credits were shot at Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank California and not at Central Park in New York.
 Source : IMDb

5. Thank You ?

In the episode where Chandler and Joey stuff gets stolen ,the magnetic drawing board on their door says thanks for your stuff, well at least they have a common courtesy of saying Thank You.

 Source : IMDb

6. First actor to be casted for the show ?

David Schwimmer was the first of the main six actors to be casted in the show and he is personally my favorite of the bunch.

 Source : IMDb

7. Who was the last person casted for the show ?

Jennifer Anniston however was the last of the main six actors to be casted in the show.

 Source : IMDb

8. That is my spot ! 

The plot hole that how could they get same seats every time has been debunked ,there is in fact a reserve sign on their usual table.

 Source : IMDb

9. I won ! I won ! 

Because of a bet between Mathew Perry and Bruce Willis on the set of the whole 9 yards which Perry won. Bruce had to appear in the 3 episodes guest role for free.

Source : IMDb

10. It's all about the door !!!

At the beginning of the series Monica's door had the number 5 on it ,the producers later realized that didn't make any sense as Monica lived on a higher floor. They changed her apartment number to 20 ,the number on Chandler's apartment changed as well from number 4 to number 19.

Source: IMDb
11. So Fair !

Writers use the pie chart to track how many lines and jokes each character said to make sure each actor had the same amount of lines. 

Source: IMDb

12. Joey's favorite statue ?

Joey statute of a white dog was originally given to Jennifer Anniston as a god luck present from her best friend when she started acting. She offered to lend it to the show for the episode where Joey became rich and bought a lot of stuff but after that episode the producers decided let's keep it.

Source : IMDb

13. Doodles !!!

Paul Swain was responsible for the doodles on the door of chandler's apartment.

Source : IMDb

14. Who is Katie ?

Marcel was played by two monkeys, their name was Katie.

Source : IMDb

15. Here comes Jack & Judy Geller !

NBC originally thought the cast was too young and asked writers to include older character who gave advice to them in the story.

Source : IMDb

16. The Hangout Spot !

For almost the entire first season ,there wasn't a street outside of Central Park ,just a painted backdrop. They made a window a little blurry and put many plants in front of the window to hide it.

Source : IMDb

17. Who knows french ?

In season 10 episode 13 ,Joey begs phoebe to teach him french whereas in real life Matt LeBlanc speaks french fluently.

Source : IMDb

18. Role swap ? No !

Friends producer originally asked Courtney Cox to play Rachel but she requested the role Monica because she liked the strong character role.

Source : IMDb

19. It's all in the name !

Gunther didn't have a name until the middle of the second season.

Source : IMDb

20. Central Park is the BEST !

NBC originally thought Central Park was too trendy and wanted to set the show in a diner kind of like "Sienfeld".

Source : IMDb


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