Dark : Complete Series Explained

 A family saga with a supernatural twist, set in a German town, where the disappearance of two young children exposes the relationships among four families.

What do Adam and Eva want?

Adam and Eva are from parallel world. In one world where you have been watching from season 1, Jonas grows up to become Adam, a disfigured traumatized time traveler hell bends on destroying the world in a violent explosion by DARK MATTER. His goal is simple, ensure the apocalypse happen and destroy the origin, thereby untying the unfathomable knot of time and space which lead to his unbearable existence. Adam believes that this origin is the child of Jonas and Martha, this child is an unnamed time travelling assassins and one and the same person at different decades. Everything Adam does murdering Martha, manipulating Jonas into causing the suicide of Michael, and one of the brutal twists that are suffocating Hannah, his own mother is to ensure everything continues to happen as it always has including the APOCALYPSE. When Martha got into pregnant with Jonas’s child, Adam zaps her with energy not just one but two apocalypses, one from this world and one from the alternate world, killing both her and the unborn child. His plan does not work.

 WHY? We will discuss that afterwards.

Let’s move to the alternate world, in this world Jonas never existed, Martha taking his place as the time travelling teen in a yellow raincoat. Martha grows up to become Eva, a sort of mirror version of Adam. Everything she does to protect the child of Jonas and Martha, who she also believes as the origin. She lies to her younger self to being able to protect the apocalypse, but in actual fact all she wants is to Jonas and Martha to sleep together and conceive their child. Then in a stunning twist she instructs Martha to kill Jonas which echoes to Adam killing Martha in the end of season 2. Just like Adam, Eva does everything to make sure that everything happen as they always has. It ultimately unravels that her son pushes through the construction of the nuclear plant and then he splits up to make ensure the accidents happen in both the world in 1986.What Adam and Eva don’t realizes that in attempting to destroy and safe the origin respectfully, all they doing is preserving a infinite time loop, knotting both worlds together in an never ending cycle of continuing suffering.

Adam commit countless atrocities but deep down he wants that his Martha lives. Eva does everything she does to protect her son. Ulrich plunge a child half to heath to save Michael. Michael hangs himself to ensure birth of Jonas. Claudia lies and manipulates people in order to save Regina her daughter. Noah murders innocent children’s because he is desperate to find Charlotte that is taken from him by Charlotte only. People are slaves to their desires, which lead them down to dark paths, and time travel helps in these dark paths in loop back on themselves forever.

How Jonas and Martha both alive and dead?

Season 3 episode 5 Jonas is shot and killed by a future version of Martha.

How can Jonas died and again lives to become Adam in future?

Professor Tannhaus explains these in one episode by the help of Schrödinger’s cat theory. A cat is locked in a steel chamber with a tiny amount of radioactive substance, a Geiger counter, a vial of poison, and a hammer. As soon as the radioactive atom decays inside the steel chamber, the Geiger counter releases the hammer, which smashes the vial of poison. The cat is dead, however due to wave characteristics in the quantum world, the atom has both decayed and not decayed until our own observation forces it into a definitive state. Until the moment we look and see if the cat is dead and alive. It exists in two superimposed states. The properties “dead” and “alive” therefore exist simultaneously in the microcosm.

Right to the end of season 2 the junction in the loop arrives when Martha saves Jonas from the apocalypse and transports him into her world or doesn’t .If she does ,Jonas gets down to the path where he traveled to the ultimate world conceives a child with Martha and is then killed by her. On the other hand if Martha doesn’t save him, Jonas escapes the power plant and explosion by hiding in the basement and grows up to become the Stranger and then Adam. This explains the why the stranger has no memory of travelling to alternate world when he meets alternate Martha in episode 1 season 3 because this Jonas never went there. Therefore Jonas dies and not dying co-exists in quantum entanglement and repeats themselves forever. This moment also creates two overlapping versions of Martha, a quantum splits orchestrated by Eva to foils Adam’s plan.

This is where things get complicated where Claudia explains to Adam in episode 8, time stands still for a fraction of a second at the moment of the apocalypse breaking the course of chain and the fate. One path Martha saves Jonas and dropped him of in her world and eventually killed and travels back to 1888 in Adam’s world and give the stranger the piece of dark matter enabling him to successfully built the portal and travels back to 2052 where she completely obliterated by Adam. On the other path Eva intervenes, alternate path Bartosz prevent Martha in going to Jonas leading to Jonas staying in his world survives and grows up to become Adam.

The moment in the episode where Martha is standing outside Jonas’s house deciding whether to go or not go is when Martha is already pregnant with Jonas’s child and already being witnessed of Jonas being shot by her slightly older self so even if Martha doesn’t save Jonas and bring him to her world, she deciding after he already being there. This creates a jewel reality where Martha can choose to not save Jonas, meaning his staying in his world and grows up to become Adam, yet Martha still pregnant with his child.

Two overlapping truths, two opposing realities exist simultaneously. Jonas always comes to alternate Martha’s world even when she chooses not to bring him back. Hence, Martha died in one reality by Jonas and in other reality she gives birth to his son.

What’s the origin?

Turns out Adam and Eva were both wrong about the origin. The origin is not the unnamed child of Martha and Jonas at all. The origin of seeming inexplicable mind-melting quantum absurdity is the invention of time-travel in the first place. Enter Claudia, who is playing both Adam & Martha this entire time, comes down to time where she kills her alternate self so that she can infiltrate the alternate world and continue to gain knowledge cycle by cycle until this point where she finally reveals the truth to Adam at the start of episode 8 .There is a 3rd world that is the origin world, in this world Tannhaus suffers from an old tragedy where his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter all killed in a car accident. This motivates him to build a time machine and a hope he can travel back to time or a world where his family survives, which did not go well. The machine changes the fabric of reality destroying the origin world and splitting it into the world we see in the show, creating Adam and Eva’s world.

The invention of time –travel and splitting of origin world also brings into existence both people and a series of infinitely repeating events that would not exist if it was not for Tannhaus’s machine. Claudia who has learned that her daughter Regina exists in the origin world independent of time travel tells Adam that the only way to truly undo the knot is to prevent Tannhaus inventing time travel in the first place, eradicating everything and everyone in the existence as a result.

Armed with this knowledge and despair of his own failure, turns out killing Martha with the power of two apocalypses was completely pointless. Adams travel back to the moment /junction, where he comes to rescue to break the cycle. Adams told Jonas to find the alternate Martha, he succeeds and together Jonas and Martha travels back to the origin world passing through a rift of space time. For a brief second everything stood still, in the moment of the origin creation they see each other as kids.

Martha and Jonas arrive in the origin world and successfully prevent Tanhause’s family from their accident. In this way, Jonas & Martha stop Tannhaus in ever inventing the time travel machine in the first place.

No Adams’s World. No Eva’s World. Everyone who born as a result of time travels no longer exists. It’s a tragic and a bitter sweet ending.


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